Thursday, March 12, 2009


SUNNY:- Hi, NANCY ! How are you ??

NANCY:- I am fine, thanks.

SUNNY :- And what about your Health ?

NANCY:- Dear friend, My health is also good by the grace of GOD.

SUNNY :- No, No ! NANCY, you are a student of Science. I suppose..

NANCY:- Yes, I am a student of Science.

SUNNY :- I did not expect such answer from you . Your health is good not by the grace of so called God. Rather, You must say that your health is good by the grace of medical science. Yes, Medical Science & not God.

NANCY:- Dear friend. I am sorry, I don’t agree with you on this subject. In this world, everything happens by the grace of God. In fact, GOD is the creator, operator and destroyer of this world.

SUNNY :- This is all rubbish. There does not exist any GOD. The word god is made by the timid and superstitious people who are afraid that any wrong may not happen to them. If there is such thing called GOD how science is not aware of it. It’s existence has not been proved by science so there is no GOD and this world runs on the principles of Science. Do you now Understand.

NANCY:- I just want to ask one question. Everything we can see, is made by somebody. Nothing is created by its own. Our clothes are made in mills, our books and copies and bags are made in factories and so are our mobiles. So, can you tell me who created this whole world.

SUNNY :- It was created through the expansion of Space and not by what you call GOD.

NANCY:- But, the expansion of Space also require energy And according to the Law of conservation of energy, Energy can neither be created nor it can be destroyed. It means that if the law of conservation of energy is correct, then there is no possiblity of creation of energy, there can only be conversion of energy. So, I ask the question where from did the Space got the energy needed for expansion & thereby creation of this Universe ?? So, there is something that acts upon the Space to produce stimulus for the creation of this world, . In fact, GOD is beyond the scope of human brain or wordly science. The wordly science has done a lot of progress but it has not been possible to enter or fully understand the phenomenon called God. No fasting, penances, donations, study of scriptures, chanting of mantras are of any help either. To understand it, one has to bow and surrender self towards Satguru, the True Master of the Time.

Hail Nirankari Lord Hardev, Thee can all the people save.

Concept Courtsey: Mr.Rakesh Singh, Bhopal.

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